

Doctor: You child is suffering from Thalassemia. That is what this report shows!!

Mother of four months old child totally shattered simply blank, no gestures, just not knowing how to react!!!

Father of this four months old child to Doctor: Sir please check it again!!

Doctor: We can go for retests of Thalassemia in deep. But currently we need to give her blood urgently.

Me: Arranging for blood B+ve. Found it with influences and was at hospital within an hour.

Parents of Father at hospital: How did she get this disease? What does it mean?

Me: Explaining them in brief what all doctor said and asking them to calm down.

Father in law: I am sure this hereditary disease must have come from her mother. My son can’t have it.

All were stunned after this statement and mother of this small kid started crying as if she has lost everything.

I was so so so much in shock to hear this statement of her father in law. This eventually forced me to write this post.

Why?  because she is a female & only she can suffer from such disease and his son cant?

In this new era and 21st century also you find such people who still blame women for everything.

I mean what even if she is suffering from the disease and is passed in genes to her daughter? Instead of finding a solution to it people will start blaming women?


Who gave them this right?

Dont mind but we WOMEN have given them these useless rights!!


In our day to day life we come across so many such incidents but have we paid attention to them?

Let me share a few of those with you:

  1. If you ask your husband or boyfriend;What did you eat honey? He will think she is bothering me and keeping track of what I am doing. But they will not understand a simple logic that she is worried if you are eating in time or not.
  2. Girl cannot deny any marriage proposals. Don’t know where this rule has come from!! Parents wait for the reply of the Boy’s side. Why? Why can’t we deny if we do not like?
  3. A man has all the right to keep extramarital affair; women do not have why? Why can’t women fall in love twice? Why it is said for men it’s like” Aaj Pooja kal Dooja” Why can’t it be for women?  
  4. Men has right to break heart. Women can’t.  If she does she is defined as libidinous.
  5. A man sets their own priorities and women are modest that they think priorities of her men are on top of everything and help them to make over it. But eventually she losses her own identity. The patience to listen, the strength to support, care is just in woman.
  6. Women starts thinking of what to gift her special person of lifetime; so called husband or boyfriend from the very next day of his birthday or anniversary on which she has already gifted something precious and starts collecting money for the same. Whereas men will think oh why does these days come at all and till the last day of the occasion they will not decide anything . He will ask you on that day what should I gift you darling? And woman like a fool will say Oh darling you are my biggest and priceless gift ever. Many times days will also just pass by as other days and man forget to wish even. And then they will come up with a universal statement,” I don’t believe in dates ….. all days are precious”. Whom are you making fool!!!

Materialistic things are never important in love and affection but still a rose from your love is the most precious gift ever.

women7. Sometimes we’re in a bad mood just because: It’s not “that time of the month,” so don’t ask. Man will think that our feelings are complicated or that we are just crying all the time and not completely subject to our hormones. They will think that we are being sorry figure all the time.

8. How many of the men will understand that” Even if we say we’re not hungry, couldn’t eat another thing, no way no how, when we say that we just want a taste what we really mean is “I’ll take half.”

9. It is so simple for men to move on why is it not that simple for women?

There are many such instances which each one of us come across but never paid attention to it.

But have you ever thought why such circumstances have come?

Because WE WOMEN have stopped valuing ourselves and increased the value of the statements from MEN. We just have almighty power of forgetting and forgiving as told by our elders which I still hear many times.

However modern we become still that feminine within us will always reveal; we have the mouth of a sailor. The te,per of an Italian housewife, and the tolerance of an Irishman.


Thankfully in my niece’s case as mentioned above final report diagnosed that father has Thalassemia which has come in poor kid in heredity else my niece would have had it real bad.

“When you see something you love in a lady, don’t let anyone rain on your parade. Just know that sometimes the woman you see is trapped behind many layers of conditioning, and the only way to bring her out is by loving who she is and who she really wants to be (not the person she thinks she has to be). Odds are, you’ll probably be the first person in her life to really do that.”

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